“A discussion around Christine Blasey-Ford’s Testimony and implications for us and our Meeting”

Becky Kennedy-Lange led this forum examining feelings felt and awakenings experienced while enduring the public “under my thumbing” of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford by the United States Senate and the President of the United States of America. Attending were Amy Brier, Amy Dawson, Patricia Henry, Axel Kennedy-Lange, Alice Walkling, Lou Anne Smith, Janet Pennell, Marc Brier, Graham Dawson, and Susan Becker.

The spirit of Lucretia Mott was with us through her words and wisdom.

Lucretia Mott Speaks: the Essential Speeches and Sermons (2017):

Wendell Phillips had said that he did not think all the guilt of these wrongs to which women are subjected rested on Man.  He thought Woman must share equally the guilt with him, to which Lucretia Mott replied that she fixed the blame for these wrongs of Woman on the wrong doer.  She did not believe in abstract wrong.  Where there is oppression there is an oppressor.  She thought the wrong in this case rested on man, and he should be held responsible for it. 

Last updated October 10, 2018